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Outputs (9)

Reading slowly together: Facilitated climate literature book clubs and their potential for engaging young people with climate crisis (2024)
Journal Article

Engaging young people with the effects and potential future impacts of climate crisis is essential for facilitating the changes required. These topics and their consequences can be overwhelming, and the emotional responses equally diverse, from anxie... Read More about Reading slowly together: Facilitated climate literature book clubs and their potential for engaging young people with climate crisis.

Voices in a pandemic: using deep mapping to explore children’s sense of place during the COVID-19 pandemic in UK (2024)
Journal Article

Children’s sense of place is important for wellbeing, development and belonging in a community or place. The VIP-CLEAR (Voices in a Pandemic – Children’s Lockdown Experiences Applied to Recovery) project used creative methods and repeat engagement t... Read More about Voices in a pandemic: using deep mapping to explore children’s sense of place during the COVID-19 pandemic in UK.