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Outputs (2)

The making of an architectural student: physical models and the question of scale in the digital condition (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The term physical model frames an artefact with a broad spectrum of different uses and interpretations throughout the history of architecture. In it, physical models have been, at first instance, an artefact for producing architectural knowledge, so... Read More about The making of an architectural student: physical models and the question of scale in the digital condition.

From ecological idealism to ecological relativism (…or ecological ethics): A comparative tale on William Lever’s Port Sunlight (1888) and Enrico Loccioni’s Leaf Community (2007). (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

A characteristic of the 21st century for urban and architectural knowledge is dealing with contemporary challenges such as a failure of traditional economic models, a technological turn, a human displacement across territories, and a shift in environ... Read More about From ecological idealism to ecological relativism (…or ecological ethics): A comparative tale on William Lever’s Port Sunlight (1888) and Enrico Loccioni’s Leaf Community (2007)..