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Hybrid contractual landscapes of governance: Generation of fragmented regimes of public accountability through urban regeneration (2020)
Journal Article

In this article we explore the idea of public accountability in the contemporary entrepreneurial governance of cities, which are influenced by market dependency and private sector involvement. We specifically focus on the fragmentation of public acco... Read More about Hybrid contractual landscapes of governance: Generation of fragmented regimes of public accountability through urban regeneration.

Cash water expenditures are associated with household water insecurity, food insecurity, and perceived stress in study sites across 20 low- and middle-income countries (2019)
Journal Article

Billions of people globally, living with various degrees of water insecurity, obtain their household and drinking water from diverse sources that can absorb a disproportionate amount of a household's income. In theory, there are income and expenditur... Read More about Cash water expenditures are associated with household water insecurity, food insecurity, and perceived stress in study sites across 20 low- and middle-income countries.