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Costing the invisible: A review of the evidence examining the links between body image, aspirations, education and workplace confidence
Preprint / Working Paper

Throughout the world, girls and women are interested in their looks. What has been perceived as an enjoyable part of life is however imbued with negative economic and psychological costs which are rarely calculated. International studies confirm the... Read More about Costing the invisible: A review of the evidence examining the links between body image, aspirations, education and workplace confidence.

The role of psychological inflexibility in the tripartite influence model for women: A single body image inflexibility pathway to disordered eating behaviours

This study was conducted by conceptualising, designing and implementing new knowledge at the forefront of body image inflexibility (a construct derived from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)) and disordered eating. The study design was adjusted... Read More about The role of psychological inflexibility in the tripartite influence model for women: A single body image inflexibility pathway to disordered eating behaviours.