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Outputs (1043)

How can we help you? A global investigation into girls’ body image experiences in sport and intervention preferences (2023)
Journal Article

Existing interventions that target the intersection of girls’ body image and sports participation are marginally effective, which is, in part, due to methodological limitations pertaining to intervention development (i.e., not theoretically or stakeh... Read More about How can we help you? A global investigation into girls’ body image experiences in sport and intervention preferences.

A six-country study of coaches’ perspectives of girls’ body image concerns in sport and intervention preferences: Template analysis of survey and focus group data (2023)
Journal Article

Coaches are a key influence of athletes’ body image, but often feel ill-equipped to address body image concerns and can perpetuate harmful body ideals. Limited research has investigated coaches’ attitudes and opinions and few effective resources are... Read More about A six-country study of coaches’ perspectives of girls’ body image concerns in sport and intervention preferences: Template analysis of survey and focus group data.

The role of uncertainty intolerance in adjusting to long-term physical health conditions: A systematic review (2023)
Journal Article

Long-term physical health conditions (LTPHCs) are associated with poorer psychological well-being, quality of life, and longevity. Additionally, individuals with LTPHCs report uncertainty in terms of condition aetiology, course, treatment, and abilit... Read More about The role of uncertainty intolerance in adjusting to long-term physical health conditions: A systematic review.

Establishing an international interdisciplinary research network in craniofacial microsomia: The CARE Program (2023)
Journal Article

Objective: Craniofacial microsomia (CFM) is a broad clinical term used to describe a congenital condition most commonly involving the underdevelopment of the external ear, mandible, soft tissues, and facial nerve. Despite medical advances, understand... Read More about Establishing an international interdisciplinary research network in craniofacial microsomia: The CARE Program.

“They are men, they will be looking even if you put on pants or a sweatshirt”: Girl athletes' and coaches' experiences of body image in Mexico City sport settings (2023)
Journal Article

Body image concerns are a barrier for girls’ participation in sports. Scarce evidence from Mexico suggests adolescents experience high levels of body dissatisfaction, and national statistics report low levels of physical activity among girls. This st... Read More about “They are men, they will be looking even if you put on pants or a sweatshirt”: Girl athletes' and coaches' experiences of body image in Mexico City sport settings.

Body confident coaching: A pilot randomized controlled trial evaluating the acceptability of a web-based body image intervention for coaches of adolescent girls (2023)
Journal Article

Coaches influence athletes’ body image, but often feel ill-equipped to address body image concerns and inadvertently perpetuate harmful body ideals. No evidence-based, empirically-tested body image intervention for coaches exists. This study evaluate... Read More about Body confident coaching: A pilot randomized controlled trial evaluating the acceptability of a web-based body image intervention for coaches of adolescent girls.

Do congenital and acquired causes of visible difference predict distinct appearance-related psychosocial outcomes? (2023)
Journal Article

Having a visible difference caused by an appearance-altering condition or injury can impact psychosocial wellbeing. It remains unestablished whether the time at which a visible difference manifests, namely pre-memory (congenital) or later (acquired),... Read More about Do congenital and acquired causes of visible difference predict distinct appearance-related psychosocial outcomes?.

Evaluating the efficacy of a social media-based intervention (Warna-Warni Waktu) to improve body image among young Indonesian women: Parallel randomized controlled trial (2023)
Journal Article

BACKGROUND: Body dissatisfaction is a global issue, particularly among adolescent girls and young women. Effective body image interventions exist but face barriers to scaling up, particularly in lower- and middle-income countries, such as Indonesia,... Read More about Evaluating the efficacy of a social media-based intervention (Warna-Warni Waktu) to improve body image among young Indonesian women: Parallel randomized controlled trial.

Feasibility and acceptability of the promoting resilience in stress management-parent (PRISM-P) intervention for caregivers of children with craniofacial conditions (2023)
Journal Article

Objectives: Few evidence-based psychosocial programs exist within craniofacial care. This study (a) assessed feasibility and acceptability of the Promoting Resilience in Stress Management-Parent (PRISM-P) intervention among caregivers of children wit... Read More about Feasibility and acceptability of the promoting resilience in stress management-parent (PRISM-P) intervention for caregivers of children with craniofacial conditions.

Body image concerns in long-term head and neck cancer survivors: Prevalence and role of clinical factors and patient-reported late effects (2022)
Journal Article

Purpose: Head and neck cancer (HNC) patients are at risk of long-term body image distress (BID). We aimed to investigate the severity of BID in long-term HNC survivors and to explore the associations between sociodemographic and clinical factors, pat... Read More about Body image concerns in long-term head and neck cancer survivors: Prevalence and role of clinical factors and patient-reported late effects.

What is the evidence of effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical, non-surgical, biopsychosocial interventions for body image and pain management in individuals with endometriosis? A systematic review (2022)
Journal Article

Aim: To identify and review the success of non-pharmaceutical, non-surgical biopsychosocial interventions in individuals with endometriosis, in managing pain and improving body image. Methods: Cochrane, EBSCO, IBSS, NICE, Open Grey, OVID, Proquest, S... Read More about What is the evidence of effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical, non-surgical, biopsychosocial interventions for body image and pain management in individuals with endometriosis? A systematic review.

“Intermission!” A short-term social media fast reduces self-objectification among pre-teen and teen dancers (2022)
Journal Article

Social media use is pervasive among youth and is associated with body image disturbance and self-objectification. The present study investigated whether a 3-day social media fast in a sample for whom social media is especially salient, female adolesc... Read More about “Intermission!” A short-term social media fast reduces self-objectification among pre-teen and teen dancers.

Transitioning from child to adult cleft lip and palate services in the United Kingdom: Are the NICE Guidelines reflected in young adults’ experiences? (2022)
Journal Article

Cleft lip and/or palate (CL/P) is one of the most common congenital conditions worldwide. Individuals born with CL/P will embark on a long-term treatment pathway throughout childhood and often into adulthood. As they grow older, young people become m... Read More about Transitioning from child to adult cleft lip and palate services in the United Kingdom: Are the NICE Guidelines reflected in young adults’ experiences?.

Scaling up evidence-based body-image interventions for adolescents: Studies from the UK, India, and Indonesia (2022)

The field of adolescent body image research is well established and has been burgeoning since the mid-1990s. Body image concerns are prevalent among adolescents globally, and the extensive psychological and physical health consequences are widely rec... Read More about Scaling up evidence-based body-image interventions for adolescents: Studies from the UK, India, and Indonesia.

Developing psychosocial support for parents and carers of children and young people with an appearance-affecting condition or injury (2022)

Children and young people with appearance-affecting conditions and injuries report common pervasive psychosocial difficulties, regardless of cause or nature of their visible difference. When present alongside the typical challenges of parenting (e.g.... Read More about Developing psychosocial support for parents and carers of children and young people with an appearance-affecting condition or injury.

The impact of hegemonic masculine ideals on self-esteem in prostate cancer patients undergoing androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) compared to ADT-naïve patients (2022)
Journal Article

Purpose: Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) for Prostate Cancer (PCa) is associated with side effects that could lead to negative body image and low masculine self-esteem of survivors. We compared a group of PCa survivors following ADT with ADT-naïve... Read More about The impact of hegemonic masculine ideals on self-esteem in prostate cancer patients undergoing androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) compared to ADT-naïve patients.