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Outputs (63)

Body image and appearance distress among military veterans and civilians with an injury-related visible difference: A comparison study (2025)
Journal Article

Injuries sustained during military conflict can significantly impact appearance. Yet, little is known about the psychosocial experiences of veterans with conflict-related appearance-altering injuries (AAI) and whether current civilian interventions a... Read More about Body image and appearance distress among military veterans and civilians with an injury-related visible difference: A comparison study.

"My body is amazing from the bottom to the top" - An RCT study testing two positive body image media micro-interventions for young children aged 4-6 years (2025)
Journal Article

This study presents a fully powered RCT testing the effectiveness and acceptability of two positive body image online media-based micro-interventions designed for young children. A total of 439 children aged 4-6 years were randomised into one of four... Read More about "My body is amazing from the bottom to the top" - An RCT study testing two positive body image media micro-interventions for young children aged 4-6 years.

‘Plan Z and then off the edge of a cliff’: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of mothers’ experience of living with a slow-to-heal Caesarean wound (2024)
Journal Article

Background: Studies indicate that complex postsurgical wound healing can significantly alter biopsychological markers responsible for recovery. Yet, there is a lack of research investigating women's experience of living with slow-to-heal Caesarean bi... Read More about ‘Plan Z and then off the edge of a cliff’: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of mothers’ experience of living with a slow-to-heal Caesarean wound.

Cross-condition risk and protective factors for psychosocial distress in parents and carers of children and young people with appearance-affecting conditions and injuries (2024)
Journal Article

Alongside typical parenting challenges, initial condition-specific research suggests that parents of children with different visible differences may experience similar psychosocial difficulties. Despite this, large-scale cross-condition research to i... Read More about Cross-condition risk and protective factors for psychosocial distress in parents and carers of children and young people with appearance-affecting conditions and injuries.

Adjusting to a partners’ changed appearance following military combat-related appearance-altering injuries: The challenges of looking ‘different’ and how life continues (2024)
Journal Article

Combat-related physical injuries not only affect the individual but also close family members. Emerging evidence indicates that injuries that change appearance, such as limb loss and physical scarring, may create additional psychosocial challenges fo... Read More about Adjusting to a partners’ changed appearance following military combat-related appearance-altering injuries: The challenges of looking ‘different’ and how life continues.

Congenital melanocytic naevus (CMN) through the lens: Using photo-elicitation interviews to explore adjustment in adolescents with a rare birthmark condition (2023)
Journal Article

Adolescents with the rare birthmarks congenital melanocytic naevi (CMN) experience physical and psychosocial challenges, many of which stem from looking different from the ‘norm’. However, some adjust and have positive experiences. Understanding the... Read More about Congenital melanocytic naevus (CMN) through the lens: Using photo-elicitation interviews to explore adjustment in adolescents with a rare birthmark condition.

Congenital Melanocytic Naevus (CMN) through the lens: Using photo- elicitation interviews to explore adjustment in adolescents with a rare birthmark condition (2023)
Journal Article

Adolescents with the rare birthmarks congenital melanocytic naevi (CMN) experience physical and psychosocial challenges, many of which stem from looking different from the ‘norm’. However, some adjust and have positive experiences. Understanding the... Read More about Congenital Melanocytic Naevus (CMN) through the lens: Using photo- elicitation interviews to explore adjustment in adolescents with a rare birthmark condition.

Evaluating the efficacy of a social media-based intervention (Warna-Warni Waktu) to improve body image among young Indonesian women: Parallel randomized controlled trial (2023)
Journal Article

BACKGROUND: Body dissatisfaction is a global issue, particularly among adolescent girls and young women. Effective body image interventions exist but face barriers to scaling up, particularly in lower- and middle-income countries, such as Indonesia,... Read More about Evaluating the efficacy of a social media-based intervention (Warna-Warni Waktu) to improve body image among young Indonesian women: Parallel randomized controlled trial.

Body image and psychosocial well-being among UK military personnel and veterans who sustained appearance-altering conflict injuries (2022)
Journal Article

A modest but significant number of military personnel sustained injuries during deployments resulting in an altered-appearance (e.g., limb loss and/or scarring). Civilian research indicates that appearance-altering injuries can affect psychosocial we... Read More about Body image and psychosocial well-being among UK military personnel and veterans who sustained appearance-altering conflict injuries.

A novel, scalable social media-based intervention Warna-Warni Waktu to reduce body dissatisfaction among young Indonesian women: Protocol for a parallel randomized controlled trial (2022)
Journal Article

Background: Despite the prevalence of body dissatisfaction among young Indonesian women and its consequential negative impacts, there are currently no evidence-based, culturally appropriate interventions to tackle this issue. Therefore, there is a ne... Read More about A novel, scalable social media-based intervention Warna-Warni Waktu to reduce body dissatisfaction among young Indonesian women: Protocol for a parallel randomized controlled trial.

An acceptance and commitment therapy prototype mobile program for individuals with a visible difference: Mixed methods feasibility study (2022)
Journal Article

Background: Mobile apps may offer a valuable platform for delivering evidence-based psychological interventions for individuals with atypical appearances, or visible differences, who experience psychosocial appearance concerns such as appearance-base... Read More about An acceptance and commitment therapy prototype mobile program for individuals with a visible difference: Mixed methods feasibility study.

Mindful Eating - Conscious Living: A study of acceptability, feasibility and efficacy among adult women in the UK (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Disordered eating, or dis-ease around food and eating, is widespread. Many materials assisting individuals to apply mindfulness skills to their eating choices and behaviour are available online, from apps, to guided meditations, to asynchronous and... Read More about Mindful Eating - Conscious Living: A study of acceptability, feasibility and efficacy among adult women in the UK.

"Have we done enough?" A cross-condition exploration of the experiences of parents caring for a child with an appearance-affecting condition or injury (2021)
Journal Article

Children and young people (CYP) with appearance-affecting conditions/injuries report common pervasive psychosocial difficulties, regardless of cause, nature or extent of their visible differences. Parents or carers can also experience psychosocial di... Read More about "Have we done enough?" A cross-condition exploration of the experiences of parents caring for a child with an appearance-affecting condition or injury.

Children’s attitudes and friendship behaviours towards socially stigmatised appearances: Do attitudes vary according to type of difference? (2021)
Journal Article

Appearance-based stereotyping and stigma emerge in early childhood and can exist by the age of 4 years. Children from stigmatized groups (e.g., higher weight and visible difference) are at increased risk of experiencing judgment and unwanted behavior... Read More about Children’s attitudes and friendship behaviours towards socially stigmatised appearances: Do attitudes vary according to type of difference?.

The effectiveness of interventions to improve psychosocial outcomes in parents of children with appearance-affecting health conditions: A systematic review (2020)
Journal Article

Background: Although many cope well, the impact of supporting a child with an Appearance-Affecting Health Condition (AAHC) can place a significant demand on parents. As such, it is vital that families have access to appropriate psychosocial support t... Read More about The effectiveness of interventions to improve psychosocial outcomes in parents of children with appearance-affecting health conditions: A systematic review.