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Outputs (27)

I-docs special edition (2012)
Journal Article

This special edition presents a collection of articles that came out of i-Docs 2011, the first international symposium exclusively devoted to the rapidly evolving field of international documentary-making. The symposium was held at the Watershed Medi... Read More about I-docs special edition.

How do you play? Identity technology and Ludic culture
Preprint / Working Paper

A very broad ranging paper based on research undertaken for the Dovey & Kennedy book 'Game Cultures' (2006; McGraw Hill). It is quite a good background resource for thinking about cultures and theories of play in technoculture.

When television became old
Preprint / Working Paper

Short conference paper that discusses the emergent form of Web Drama within the context of the disciplinary debates about Media Studies 2.0.

Keeping in touch
Preprint / Working Paper

This discussion paper summarises the key themes from Keeping In Touch, a collaborative research project for Connected Communities.