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Outputs (8)

Electric Mobility (2021)
Book Chapter

The article begins in questioning whether the electric mobility (EM) revolution amounts to a “sociotechnical transition” or merely a technological substitution. It reviews the origins of transport sector electrification in the 19th century, identifyi... Read More about Electric Mobility.

Challenges and joys of using the experience sampling method to examine the impact of the arts on wellbeing (2020)
Book Chapter

This case study describes how the experience sampling method can be used to explore the impact of everyday behaviours on health and wellbeing, focusing on the correlates of participatory art in everyday life. The experience sampling method repeatedly... Read More about Challenges and joys of using the experience sampling method to examine the impact of the arts on wellbeing.

Visions of swarming robots: Artificial intelligence and stupidity in the military-industrial projection of the future of warfare (2019)
Book Chapter

My subject in this paper is the analysis, speculation and recommendations for the future development and deployment of lethal autonomous robotic systems such as they appear in reports, studies and presentations emanating from what is still aptly call... Read More about Visions of swarming robots: Artificial intelligence and stupidity in the military-industrial projection of the future of warfare.