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Outputs (11)

Exploring the use of an entertainment device in a time of trauma. A longitudinal approach to communicating the story of an Emperor in exile and the role of material culture in everyday life (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This talk will explore a long-running project that has evolved slowly, revealing different stages of how the project will be revealed over a long period of time. The Emperor in question is Haile Selassie I, and the material culture in question is a p... Read More about Exploring the use of an entertainment device in a time of trauma. A longitudinal approach to communicating the story of an Emperor in exile and the role of material culture in everyday life.

They will be heard: Representing and re-presenting voices of marginalised and racialised women through film (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Set within the context of populism, patriarchy and the debilitating legacy of colonialism, The Art of Oppression follows three artists as they each rise to the challenge of creating a new work for the film. The women, award-winning artists, are as di... Read More about They will be heard: Representing and re-presenting voices of marginalised and racialised women through film.

And some of us are silenced (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

In Mangrove the first of the Small Axe films, bio-chemist student Althea says “We need to challenge the system… We mustn’t be victims but protagonists of our stories and what better way of representing ourselves but self-representing ourselves.” A bo... Read More about And some of us are silenced.