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Outputs (8)

What are the factors of parental incarceration that may increase risk of poor emotional and mental health in children of prisoners? (2023)
Journal Article

Purpose: Globally millions of children have a parent who is imprisoned. Research suggests that this has an adverse impact on the child and imprisonment of a parent is considered to be an adverse childhood experience (ACE). Parental incarceration will... Read More about What are the factors of parental incarceration that may increase risk of poor emotional and mental health in children of prisoners?.

The impact of remote arts on prescription: Changes in mood, attention and loneliness during art workshops as mechanisms for wellbeing change (2023)
Journal Article

Purpose: To assess the impact of art workshops delivered remotely, during the coronavirus pandemic, on the wellbeing of participants. To measure the impact of participating in art workshops on immediate experience (mood, attention and loneliness). To... Read More about The impact of remote arts on prescription: Changes in mood, attention and loneliness during art workshops as mechanisms for wellbeing change.

Arts on referral at Fresh Arts: A mixed-methods report on the efficacy of arts on prescription in a hospital setting for people experiencing chronic health conditions (2023)

This report describes the evaluation methods and outcomes of four arts on referral programmes delivered through Fresh Arts on Referral at Southmead Hospital, Bristol. Arts on referral, where people are referred to art workshops, led by a skilled arts... Read More about Arts on referral at Fresh Arts: A mixed-methods report on the efficacy of arts on prescription in a hospital setting for people experiencing chronic health conditions.