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Outputs (3)

Determinants of physical activity among adults and older adults from the Somali Community in Bristol, UK (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Backgrounds: Adults and older-adults from BME communities in the UK are less likely than their non-BME counterparts to meet the physical-activity recommendations

Purpose: To investigate the factors associated with physical-activity among adults an... Read More about Determinants of physical activity among adults and older adults from the Somali Community in Bristol, UK.

Healthy buildings for a healthy city: Is the public health evidence base informing current building policies? (2020)
Journal Article

Research has demonstrated that housing quality is a key urban intervention in reducing health risks and improving climate resilience, addressing a key ambition of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Yet housing quality remains a problem... Read More about Healthy buildings for a healthy city: Is the public health evidence base informing current building policies?.

Methods of identifying and recruiting older people at risk of social isolation and loneliness: A mixed methods review (2019)
Journal Article

Loneliness and social isolation are major determinants of mental wellbeing, especially among older adults. The effectiveness of interventions to address loneliness and social isolation among older adults has been questioned due to the lac... Read More about Methods of identifying and recruiting older people at risk of social isolation and loneliness: A mixed methods review.