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Xiaojun Luo's Outputs (3)

Genetic algorithm-determined deep feedforward neural network architecture for predicting electricity consumption in real buildings (2020)
Journal Article

A genetic algorithm-determined deep feedforward neural network architecture (GA-DFNN) is proposed for both day-ahead hourly and week-ahead daily electricity consumption of a real-world campus building in the United Kingdom. Due to the comprehensive r... Read More about Genetic algorithm-determined deep feedforward neural network architecture for predicting electricity consumption in real buildings.

Feature extraction and genetic algorithm enhanced adaptive deep neural network for energy consumption prediction in buildings (2020)
Journal Article

Accurate forecast of energy consumption is essential in building energy management. Owing to the variation of outdoor weather condition among different seasons, year-round historical weather profile is needed to investigate its feature thoroughly. Da... Read More about Feature extraction and genetic algorithm enhanced adaptive deep neural network for energy consumption prediction in buildings.