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Helena Lewis-Smith's Outputs (5)

Adaptation and validation of the Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire in English among urban Indian adolescents (2020)
Journal Article

Objective: Eating pathology is a salient issue in India, with clinical features reported among adults and adolescents. However, there are currently no validated measures of disordered eating in the Indian context. The present study therefore aimed to... Read More about Adaptation and validation of the Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire in English among urban Indian adolescents.

Body dissatisfaction predicts the onset of depression among adolescent females and males: A prospective study (2020)
Journal Article

Rationale: Body dissatisfaction is prevalent in mid-adolescence and may be associated with the onset of depression. Objective: The study assessed the influence of body dissatisfaction on the occurrence of later depressive episodes in a population-bas... Read More about Body dissatisfaction predicts the onset of depression among adolescent females and males: A prospective study.

The effectiveness of brief animated films as a scalable micro-intervention to improve children’s body image: A randomised controlled trial (2020)
Journal Article

Creating media to counteract the plethora of media and advertising that perpetuates negative body image is a scalable public health strategy that can be achieved through innovative micro-interventions. This study examined the immediate and short-ter... Read More about The effectiveness of brief animated films as a scalable micro-intervention to improve children’s body image: A randomised controlled trial.

Psychological and sociocultural influences on body image among midlife women with and without a history of breast cancer: Testing the Tripartite Influence Model of Body Image (2020)
Journal Article

Body image concerns are common among breast cancer survivors and women in midlife. However, effective interventions are lacking for breast cancer survivors. This may be related to prior research having examined non-modifiable and medicalised influenc... Read More about Psychological and sociocultural influences on body image among midlife women with and without a history of breast cancer: Testing the Tripartite Influence Model of Body Image.

Prospective pathways to depressive symptoms and disordered eating in adolescence: A 7-year longitudinal cohort study (2020)
Journal Article

Eating pathology and depressive symptoms increase during adolescence, yet predictive pathways remain predominantly unexplored, despite their implications for prevention. The present study aimed to identify shared risk factors for eating pathology and... Read More about Prospective pathways to depressive symptoms and disordered eating in adolescence: A 7-year longitudinal cohort study.