In March 2013, Sport England launched a Lottery-funded initiative called ‘Get Healthy Get Active’ (GHGA), investing in numerous UK-based projects designed to tackle inactivity through participation in sport.
CLICK into Activity, a social prescribin...
Read More about Implementation of ‘CLICK into Activity’ in South Somerset: Social prescribing through primary care referral of ‘at risk’ populations to community leisure services: Full evaluation report.
Jane Powell's Outputs (5)
Barriers and facilitators of physical activity among Black and Minority Ethnic adults and older adults in the United Kingdom: A meta-ethnographic study (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Introduction: Older adults from socially disadvantaged groups and BME groups experience a relatively higher burden of physical inactivity. BME communities in the UK experience a considerably higher burden of disease than non-BME counterparts. Despite... Read More about Barriers and facilitators of physical activity among Black and Minority Ethnic adults and older adults in the United Kingdom: A meta-ethnographic study.
Facts4Life: Phase II evaluation of the school-based resource. Final evaluation report (2018)
In April 2015 members of UWE's Centre for Public Health and Wellbeing were commissioned to undertake an evaluation of a school-based intervention, known as ‘Facts4Life'. The broad aim of the evaluation was to better understand the impact of Facts4Lif... Read More about Facts4Life: Phase II evaluation of the school-based resource. Final evaluation report.
In March 2013, Sport England launched a Lottery-funded initiative called ‘Get Healthy Get Active’ (GHGA), investing in numerous UK-based projects designed to tackle inactivity through participation in sport.
CLICK into Activity, a social prescribin... Read More about Implementation of ‘CLICK into Activity’ in South Somerset: Social prescribing through primary care referral of ‘at risk’ populations to community leisure services.
Measuring the effectiveness of catch-up MMR delivered by school nurses compared to signposting to general practice on improving MMR coverage: A retrospective cohort study (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Aim: This study aims to determine the extent to which increased coverage of at least one dose and two doses of MMR differs between areas in which school nurses deliver catch-up MMR doses to adolescents in school settings, compared to signposting to g... Read More about Measuring the effectiveness of catch-up MMR delivered by school nurses compared to signposting to general practice on improving MMR coverage: A retrospective cohort study.