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Professor Phillippa Diedrichs' Outputs (3)

Representation matters: Exposure to advertisements featuring models with different skin shades affects body image, well-being and advertising effectiveness among South Asian Women in the UK (2025)
Journal Article

Racialised appearance ideals displayed in media and advertising imagery privilege white or light skin. Yet, little research has tested how white or light skin ideals in advertising influence body image. In this online experimental study, South Asian... Read More about Representation matters: Exposure to advertisements featuring models with different skin shades affects body image, well-being and advertising effectiveness among South Asian Women in the UK.

A comic-based body image intervention for adolescents in semi-rural Indian schools: A randomised controlled trial (2025)
Journal Article

Adolescents in India experience body dissatisfaction and its associated adverse impacts on physical and mental health and gender equality. However, evidence-based interventions are scarce. Mental health interventions worldwide have traditionally reli... Read More about A comic-based body image intervention for adolescents in semi-rural Indian schools: A randomised controlled trial.