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Professor Phillippa Diedrichs' Outputs (3)

Applying the contact hypothesis to anti-fat attitudes: Contact with overweight people is related to how we interact with our bodies and those of others (2014)
Journal Article

© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. This paper is the first to apply the contact hypothesis, a social psychological theory of prejudice reduction, to the field of weight bias. It aims to investigate whether contact with overweight people is associated with the exte... Read More about Applying the contact hypothesis to anti-fat attitudes: Contact with overweight people is related to how we interact with our bodies and those of others.

Can appearance conversations explain differences between gay and heterosexual men's body dissatisfaction? (2014)
Journal Article

Men's body dissatisfaction is prevalent and a serious health concern as it is associated with negative outcomes including depression, disordered eating, and anabolic steroid abuse. Gay men are particularly vulnerable to body dissatisfaction, perhaps... Read More about Can appearance conversations explain differences between gay and heterosexual men's body dissatisfaction?.