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Henrique Tavares Furtado's Outputs (2)

From the ‘victim societies’ to the ‘societies of victimisation’: The memory of military atrocities in South America (2023)
Book Chapter

Providing a novel multi-disciplinary theorization of memory politics, this insightful Handbook brings varied literatures into a focused dialogue on the ways in which the past is remembered and how these influence transnational, interstate, and global... Read More about From the ‘victim societies’ to the ‘societies of victimisation’: The memory of military atrocities in South America.

When does repression become political? The use of the language of trauma in the context of violence and anxiety (2017)
Book Chapter

In the history of psychoanalytical thought, anxiety is described as a form of fear that lacks an object of reference. Anxious individuals live in a condition of free-floating danger, always acting as though their actions could trigger apocalyptic sce... Read More about When does repression become political? The use of the language of trauma in the context of violence and anxiety.