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Henrique Tavares Furtado's Outputs (3)

On demons and dreamers: Violence, silence and the politics of impunity in the Brazilian Truth Commission (2017)
Journal Article

Measures towards post-conflict or post-authoritarian justice have historically relied on the merging of the concepts of silence, violence and impunity in order to create a single promise of justice. Scholars and practitioners in the field usually def... Read More about On demons and dreamers: Violence, silence and the politics of impunity in the Brazilian Truth Commission.

When does repression become political? The use of the language of trauma in the context of violence and anxiety (2017)
Book Chapter

In the history of psychoanalytical thought, anxiety is described as a form of fear that lacks an object of reference. Anxious individuals live in a condition of free-floating danger, always acting as though their actions could trigger apocalyptic sce... Read More about When does repression become political? The use of the language of trauma in the context of violence and anxiety.