Breastfeeding peer support in Wiltshire: An evaluation
Sally Dowling's Outputs (4)
Evaluation of breastfeeding peer support in a rural area – What works for young, disadvantaged women and their babies? (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Topic addressed: Community-oriented breastfeeding intervention/actions, research and evaluation approaches
Type of presentation: 15 minute oral presentation
Title of presentation: Evaluation of breastfeeding peer support in a rural area – what work... Read More about Evaluation of breastfeeding peer support in a rural area – What works for young, disadvantaged women and their babies?.
An exploration of the experiences of mothers who breastfeed long-term: What are the issues and why does it matter? (2013)
Journal Article
Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) promotes breastfeeding for 2 years and beyond. Despite this, only 25% of women in the United Kingdom are breastfeeding at all by 6 months postpartum, with a minority of women breastfeeding beyond the fi... Read More about An exploration of the experiences of mothers who breastfeed long-term: What are the issues and why does it matter?.