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Emma Weitkamp's Outputs (11)

How the coronavirus infected editorial cartoons: A comparative study of covid-19 cartoons in Australia, South Africa and the United Kingdom (2023)
Book Chapter

Based on earlier findings that editorial cartoons contribute significantly to the public discourse during a health crisis, we compared cartoons with Covid-19 content across three countries (Australia, South Africa and the United Kingdom), published i... Read More about How the coronavirus infected editorial cartoons: A comparative study of covid-19 cartoons in Australia, South Africa and the United Kingdom.

A cross disciplinary embodiment: Exploring the impacts of embedding science communication principles in a collaborative learning space (2016)
Book Chapter

This chapter reports on the short term impacts of a workshop involving pupils and suggests ways in which by working together scientists, science communicators and teachers can co-develop engaging and inspirational learning opportunities that place sc... Read More about A cross disciplinary embodiment: Exploring the impacts of embedding science communication principles in a collaborative learning space.