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Issy Bray's Outputs (2)

Measuring the effectiveness of catch-up MMR delivered by school nurses compared to signposting to general practice on improving MMR coverage: A retrospective cohort study (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Aim: This study aims to determine the extent to which increased coverage of at least one dose and two doses of MMR differs between areas in which school nurses deliver catch-up MMR doses to adolescents in school settings, compared to signposting to g... Read More about Measuring the effectiveness of catch-up MMR delivered by school nurses compared to signposting to general practice on improving MMR coverage: A retrospective cohort study.

Student nurses self-confidence and perceptions of the risk and benefits associated with family-witnessed resuscitation – a cross sectional survey (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Family-witnessed resuscitation (FWR) has become more widespread in the UK since the 1990s. It remains controversial with many health care professionals citing concerns about 1) the long-term effects for the family member and 2) fears about their abil... Read More about Student nurses self-confidence and perceptions of the risk and benefits associated with family-witnessed resuscitation – a cross sectional survey.