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Rose Wallis' Outputs (7)

Yate (2015)

A comprehensive history of the parish of Yate from its earliest record to the present day. This work forms part of the Victoria History of Gloucestershire, and the first ‘VCH Short’ produced in the county.

‘We do not come inquire into grievances; we come here to decide law’: Prosecuting Swing in Norfolk and Somerset 1829-1832 (2010)
Journal Article

The repressive sentences handed down by the Special Commissions in the wake of the Swing disturbances, have somewhat eclipsed the prosecution of offenders at county quarter sessions and regular Assize courts. In neglecting this avenue of research, we... Read More about ‘We do not come inquire into grievances; we come here to decide law’: Prosecuting Swing in Norfolk and Somerset 1829-1832.