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Heike Wanke's Outputs (4)

Partitioning of water between differently sized shrubs and potential groundwater recharge in a semiarid savanna in Namibia (2019)
Journal Article

Introduction: Many semiarid regions around the world are presently experiencing significant changes in both climatic conditions and vegetation. This includes a disturbed coexistence between grasses and bushes also known as bush encroachment, and alte... Read More about Partitioning of water between differently sized shrubs and potential groundwater recharge in a semiarid savanna in Namibia.

The role of local perched aquifers in regional groundwater recharge in semi-arid environments: Evidence from the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin, Namibia (2019)
Journal Article

The influence of local perched aquifers on groundwater recharge in semi-arid areas at a regional scale remains inadequately studied, especially in southern Africa where data scarcity limits the understanding of recharge and groundwater flow processes... Read More about The role of local perched aquifers in regional groundwater recharge in semi-arid environments: Evidence from the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin, Namibia.

Metagenomics reveals seasonality of human pathogenic bacteria from hand-dug well water in the Cuvelai Etosha Basin of Namibia (2019)
Journal Article

Namibia is a large country with a population slightly above 2 million of which 73% live in rural areas. It is the driest country in sub-Saharan Africa with unpredictable rainfall patterns which occur between October and May. The Cuvelai Etosha Basin... Read More about Metagenomics reveals seasonality of human pathogenic bacteria from hand-dug well water in the Cuvelai Etosha Basin of Namibia.