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Hazel Beaumont's Outputs (2)

Deciphering tectonic controls on fluvial sedimentation within the Barmer Basin, India: The lower cretaceous Ghaggar-Hakra formation (2015)
Journal Article

The Cretaceous of NW India is poorly known from sparse outcrops in Rajasthan and Gujarat. Here, we describe the stratigraphy and sedimentology of outcrops of the Ghaggar-Hakra Formation of probable Lower Cretaceous age from the Sarnoo Hills, eastern... Read More about Deciphering tectonic controls on fluvial sedimentation within the Barmer Basin, India: The lower cretaceous Ghaggar-Hakra formation.

Geology and regional significance of the Sarnoo Hills, eastern rift margin of the Barmer Basin, NW India (2015)
Journal Article

The Barmer Basin is a poorly understood rift basin in Rajasthan, northwest India. Exposures in the Sarnoo Hills, situated along the central eastern rift margin of the Barmer Basin, reveal a sedimentary succession that accumulated prior to the main Ba... Read More about Geology and regional significance of the Sarnoo Hills, eastern rift margin of the Barmer Basin, NW India.