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Hazel Beaumont's Outputs (7)

Insights into technical challenges in the field of microplastic pollution through the lens of early career researchers (ECRs) and a proposed pathway forward (2023)
Journal Article

Early career researchers (ECR) face a series of challenges related to the inherent difficulties of starting their careers. Microplastic (MP) research is a topical field attracting high numbers of ECRs with diverse backgrounds and expertise from a wea... Read More about Insights into technical challenges in the field of microplastic pollution through the lens of early career researchers (ECRs) and a proposed pathway forward.

Origin of lower cretaceous quartzose arenites in northern India and the Indus Basins of Pakistan—The result of provenance composition, weathering or diagenesis? (2022)
Journal Article

Lower Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) sandstones of the Ghaggar-Hakra Formation in the Barmer Basin of northwest Rajasthan, India, have a complex depositional history which is confusing given they are quartzose arenites. The heavy mineral grains are very... Read More about Origin of lower cretaceous quartzose arenites in northern India and the Indus Basins of Pakistan—The result of provenance composition, weathering or diagenesis?.

Sedimentology and the facies architecture of the Ghaggar-Hakra Formation, Barmer Basin, India: Implications for early Cretaceous deposition on the north-western Indian Plate margin (2018)
Journal Article

Fluvial strata of the Lower Cretaceous Ghaggar-Hakra Formation are exposed in fault blocks on the central-eastern margin of the Barmer Basin, Rajasthan. The sedimentology of these outcrops are described from 114 logs (thicknesses up to 100m) and 53 t... Read More about Sedimentology and the facies architecture of the Ghaggar-Hakra Formation, Barmer Basin, India: Implications for early Cretaceous deposition on the north-western Indian Plate margin.

Deciphering tectonic controls on fluvial sedimentation within the Barmer Basin, India: The lower cretaceous Ghaggar-Hakra formation (2015)
Journal Article

The Cretaceous of NW India is poorly known from sparse outcrops in Rajasthan and Gujarat. Here, we describe the stratigraphy and sedimentology of outcrops of the Ghaggar-Hakra Formation of probable Lower Cretaceous age from the Sarnoo Hills, eastern... Read More about Deciphering tectonic controls on fluvial sedimentation within the Barmer Basin, India: The lower cretaceous Ghaggar-Hakra formation.

Geology and regional significance of the Sarnoo Hills, eastern rift margin of the Barmer Basin, NW India (2015)
Journal Article

The Barmer Basin is a poorly understood rift basin in Rajasthan, northwest India. Exposures in the Sarnoo Hills, situated along the central eastern rift margin of the Barmer Basin, reveal a sedimentary succession that accumulated prior to the main Ba... Read More about Geology and regional significance of the Sarnoo Hills, eastern rift margin of the Barmer Basin, NW India.