Air quality and inequalities in the UK: What do we know? What do we need to know? Distributive, procedural and policy justices
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dr Jo Barnes' Outputs (4)
Air quality and inequalities in the UK: What do we know? What do we need to know? Distributive, procedural and policy justices (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Air quality management and policy applications (2023)
Book Chapter
From raising awareness to a behavioural change: A case study of indoor air quality improvement using IoT and COM-B model (2023)
Journal Article
The topic of indoor air pollution has yet to receive the same level of attention as ambient pollution. We spend considerable time indoors, and poorer indoor air quality affects most of us, particularly people with respiratory and other health conditi... Read More about From raising awareness to a behavioural change: A case study of indoor air quality improvement using IoT and COM-B model.