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Dr Jo Barnes' Outputs (60)

Variations in car type, size, usage and emissions across Great Britain and relationships with socio-demographic characteristics (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This paper is an early output from the EPSRC/RCUK Energy Programme project, MOT (Motoring and vehicle Ownership Trends in the UK). The MOT test record dataset recently released by the Department for Transport provides the ability to estimate annual m... Read More about Variations in car type, size, usage and emissions across Great Britain and relationships with socio-demographic characteristics.

Has implementation of local air quality management reduced local nitrogen dioxide concentrations in the UK? (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

In February 2014 the European Commission launched legal proceedings against the UK for its failure to cut excessive levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2). The failure of national action to achieve the necessary reduction in NO2 places an increasing onus o... Read More about Has implementation of local air quality management reduced local nitrogen dioxide concentrations in the UK?.