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Jenny Hill's Outputs (2)

The history of the Higher Education Research Group of the UK Royal Geographical Society: The changing status and focus of geography education in the academy (2020)
Journal Article

The opening paper in our special section sets the scene for the discussions that follow by evidencing and reflecting on the history of the Higher Education Research Group. We report on the purpose of the Group when it was established in the late 1970... Read More about The history of the Higher Education Research Group of the UK Royal Geographical Society: The changing status and focus of geography education in the academy.

GeogEd: A new research group founded on the reciprocal relationship between geography education and the geographies of education (2020)
Journal Article

In 2019, the Higher Education Research Group (HERG) formally became the Geography and Education Research Group (GeogEd). What may appear as a simple change in name masks a renewed understanding of the synergies between geography education (at all le... Read More about GeogEd: A new research group founded on the reciprocal relationship between geography education and the geographies of education.