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Dr Andrew Smith's Outputs (48)

Stress reactivity moderates the association between stressful life events and depressive symptoms in adolescents: Results from a population-based study (2024)
Journal Article

A large body of evidence links stressful life events with depression. However, little is understood about the role of perceived impact in this association. We performed regression analysis to investigate whether self-reported stress reactivity (deriv... Read More about Stress reactivity moderates the association between stressful life events and depressive symptoms in adolescents: Results from a population-based study.

Maximizing insights from longitudinal epigenetic age data: Simulations, applications, and practical guidance (2024)
Journal Article

Background: Epigenetic age (EA) is an age estimate, developed using DNA methylation (DNAm) states of selected CpG sites across the genome. Although EA and chronological age are highly correlated, EA may not increase uniformly with time. Departures, k... Read More about Maximizing insights from longitudinal epigenetic age data: Simulations, applications, and practical guidance.

Depressive symptoms in adolescence and adult educational and employment outcomes: A structured life course analysis (2024)
Journal Article

Background. Depression is a common mental health disorder that often starts during adolescence, with potentially important future consequences including ‘Not in Education, Employment or Training’ (NEET) status. Methods. We took a structured life cour... Read More about Depressive symptoms in adolescence and adult educational and employment outcomes: A structured life course analysis.

Developing emotional preparedness and mental resilience through high-fidelity simulation: A ‘bridge too far’ for institutions teaching major trauma management and mass-casualty medicine? (2024)
Journal Article

Background: Clinical acumen represents only part of being adequately equipped to attend a major incident. The emotive sights, sounds and smells of these dynamic environments are all-encompassing experiences, and responders must also be armed with the... Read More about Developing emotional preparedness and mental resilience through high-fidelity simulation: A ‘bridge too far’ for institutions teaching major trauma management and mass-casualty medicine?.

How well do parents identify their child's baby teeth? Engagement and accuracy of parent-reported information on a tooth checklist survey (2024)
Journal Article

Objectives: Naturally exfoliated primary teeth are being increasingly collected in child development studies. Most of these odontological collections and tooth biobanks use parent-reported information from questionnaires or tooth checklists to collec... Read More about How well do parents identify their child's baby teeth? Engagement and accuracy of parent-reported information on a tooth checklist survey.

The relationship between type, timing and duration of exposure to adverse childhood experiences and adolescent self-harm and depression: Findings from three UK prospective population-based cohorts (2024)
Journal Article

Background: Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are well-established risk factors for self-harm and depression. However, despite their high comorbidity, there has been little focus on the impact of developmental timing and the duration of exposure t... Read More about The relationship between type, timing and duration of exposure to adverse childhood experiences and adolescent self-harm and depression: Findings from three UK prospective population-based cohorts.

Ambulance clinicians implementing evidence-based practice: Mind the gap! Attitudes, perceptions and experiences of student paramedics (2023)
Journal Article

Background: Evidence-based practice (EBP) represents the conscientious and judicious use of the best contemporaneous evidence in partnership with patient values and clinical expertise to guide healthcare professionals. As a result, EBP is a recommend... Read More about Ambulance clinicians implementing evidence-based practice: Mind the gap! Attitudes, perceptions and experiences of student paramedics.

Home and epigenome: How DNA methylation could explain the association between housing quality and depression (2023)
Journal Article

Poor housing quality is a consistent risk factor for mental health problems. Despite the large body of evidence for housing’s relationship with mental health, housing quality as an environmental stressor has not yet been investigated with regards to... Read More about Home and epigenome: How DNA methylation could explain the association between housing quality and depression.

Testing lifecourse theories characterising associations between maternal depression and offspring depression in emerging adulthood: The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (2022)
Journal Article

Background: Maternal depression is a major determinant of offspring mental health. Yet, little is understood about how the duration and timing of maternal depression shapes youth risk for depressive symptoms, which if understood could inform when bes... Read More about Testing lifecourse theories characterising associations between maternal depression and offspring depression in emerging adulthood: The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children.

Examining the epigenetic mechanisms of childhood adversity and sensitive periods: A gene set-based approach (2022)
Journal Article

Background: Sensitive periods are developmental stages of heightened plasticity when life experiences, including exposure to childhood adversity, have the potential to exert more lasting impacts. Epigenetic mechanisms, including DNA methylation (DNAm... Read More about Examining the epigenetic mechanisms of childhood adversity and sensitive periods: A gene set-based approach.

Association between measures derived from children's primary exfoliated teeth and psychopathology symptoms: Results from a community-based study (2022)
Journal Article

Mental disorders are among the most disabling health conditions globally. However, there remains a lack of valid, reliable, noninvasive, and inexpensive biomarkers to identify (at an early age) people who are at the greatest risk of experiencing a fu... Read More about Association between measures derived from children's primary exfoliated teeth and psychopathology symptoms: Results from a community-based study.

Updates to data versions and analytic methods influence the reproducibility of results from epigenome-wide association studies (2022)
Journal Article

Introduction: Biomedical research has grown increasingly cooperative through the sharing of consortia-level epigenetic data. Since consortia preprocess data prior to distribution, new processing pipelines can lead to different versions of the same d... Read More about Updates to data versions and analytic methods influence the reproducibility of results from epigenome-wide association studies.

2008 financial crisis versus 2020 economic fallout: How COVID-19 might influence fertility treatment and live births (2021)
Journal Article

Research question
The economic and reproductive medicine response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in the USA has reduced the affordability and accessibility of fertility care. What is the impact of the 2008 financial recession an... Read More about 2008 financial crisis versus 2020 economic fallout: How COVID-19 might influence fertility treatment and live births.