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Dr Diana Johnson's Outputs (30)

What are the merits of taking a hybrid regulatory approach towards the enforcement of corporate financial crime in the United Kingdom and United States of America? (2021)
Journal Article

This article focusses on the hybrid regulatory approaches used in both the USA and the UK for the enforcement of corporate financial crime. In particular, the article analyses the use of Deferred Prosecution Agreements, which typically impose a finan... Read More about What are the merits of taking a hybrid regulatory approach towards the enforcement of corporate financial crime in the United Kingdom and United States of America?.

How can the use of competition law in the enforcement of financial crime aid regulators in the United Kingdom and United States of America? (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This paper examines the different regulatory approaches used in the United States of America (US) and the United Kingdom (UK) towards the enforcement of corporate financial crime. In particular, the paper considers how a ‘hybrid’ approach consisting... Read More about How can the use of competition law in the enforcement of financial crime aid regulators in the United Kingdom and United States of America?.

A competition law first (2019)
Journal Article

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published the full text of its first competition law decision in May 2019. The decision related to three asset management firms whose employees operated a cartel sharing price sensitive information during an init... Read More about A competition law first.