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Nasrul Ismail's Outputs (7)

What are the barriers prison governors and staff face in implementing the Healthy Prisons Agenda? (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Aim: This research investigated the barriers faced by prison governors and staff in implementing the Healthy Prisons Agenda in England. It focused on prisons as a workplace, since prison governors and staff spend more time in prisons than the prisone... Read More about What are the barriers prison governors and staff face in implementing the Healthy Prisons Agenda?.

Reconceptualising the welfare state model: The rise of a ‘selective welfare state’ in the United Kingdom? (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This paper seeks to explore the emergence of a ‘selective welfare state’ in the United Kingdom under the prefecture of the current coalition government. It will be argued, that in light of fiscal austerity, the state has been compelled to reconceptua... Read More about Reconceptualising the welfare state model: The rise of a ‘selective welfare state’ in the United Kingdom?.