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Alice Moncaster's Outputs (66)

Using an analysis of concrete and cement EPD: Verification, selection, assessment, benchmarking and target setting (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The carbon embodied in buildings is an important proportion of our emissions and needs to be radically reduced in order to support climate change mitigation. The highest proportion of embodied carbon is usually emitted during the product stage, and w... Read More about Using an analysis of concrete and cement EPD: Verification, selection, assessment, benchmarking and target setting.

Implications of using systematic decomposition structures to organize building LCA information: A comparative analysis of national standards and guidelines- IEA EBC ANNEX 72 (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Introduction: The application of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) technique to a building requires the collection and organization of a large amount of data over its life cycle. The systematic decomposition method can be used to classify building comp... Read More about Implications of using systematic decomposition structures to organize building LCA information: A comparative analysis of national standards and guidelines- IEA EBC ANNEX 72.

Reducing embodied impacts of buildings - Insights from a social power analysis of the UK and Sweden (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

With one of the highest carbon footprints, the construction sector should be at the forefront of climate action. Reducing embodied impacts of construction also means ensuring that buildings are durable, low maintenance, and fit for purpose, while max... Read More about Reducing embodied impacts of buildings - Insights from a social power analysis of the UK and Sweden.

Developing a generic System Dynamics model for building stock transformation towards energy efficiency and low-carbon development (2020)
Journal Article

Promoting the decarbonisation of buildings requires effective policy measures. An integral part of policy design is ex-ante evaluation of possible policy options and effects. System Dynamics, one of a range of potential modelling paradigms, emphasise... Read More about Developing a generic System Dynamics model for building stock transformation towards energy efficiency and low-carbon development.

Forecasting urban residential stock turnover dynamics using system dynamics and Bayesian model averaging (2020)
Journal Article

Knowing the size of building stock is perhaps the most basic determinant in assessing energy use in buildings. However, official statistics on urban residential stock for many countries are piecemeal at best. Previous studies estimating stock size an... Read More about Forecasting urban residential stock turnover dynamics using system dynamics and Bayesian model averaging.

Comparative life cycle analysis of façade passive systems in the Mediterranean: Comfort, energy, and carbon (2019)
Journal Article

In the Mediterranean region façade shading systems are used to reduce operational energy, particularly cooling loads. However, operational savings do not necessarily translate into net energy savings unless they outweigh the embodied energy/carbon re... Read More about Comparative life cycle analysis of façade passive systems in the Mediterranean: Comfort, energy, and carbon.

Applying Bayesian model averaging to characterise urban residential stock turnover dynamics (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Building stock is a key determinant in building energy modelling and policy analysis. However, official statistics on total floor area of urban residential stock in China only exist up to 2006. Previous studies estimating Chinese urban residential st... Read More about Applying Bayesian model averaging to characterise urban residential stock turnover dynamics.

The reporting of end of life and module D data and scenarios in EPD for building level life cycle assessment (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This paper identifies the need for Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) to provide End of Life (EoL) and Module D data for products for use in building level Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Although the provision of data for EN 15804 Modules A4-D is... Read More about The reporting of end of life and module D data and scenarios in EPD for building level life cycle assessment.