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Alice Moncaster's Outputs (7)

Modelling Chinese urban residential stock turnover uncertainties using system dynamics and Bayesian statistical inference (2022)
Book Chapter

Building stock turnover is one of the key determinants in building energy modelling and policy analysis. Building lifetime is integral to the dynamics of stock turnover. However in China, despite anecdotal claims that urban residential buildings are... Read More about Modelling Chinese urban residential stock turnover uncertainties using system dynamics and Bayesian statistical inference.

Embodied carbon measurement, mitigation and management within Europe, drawing on a cross-case analysis of 60 building case studies (2018)
Book Chapter

This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the state of the art on this subject within Europe. In order to do so, it draws on a cross-case analysis of over 60 European case studies, developed and analysed by the authors as part of the Internat... Read More about Embodied carbon measurement, mitigation and management within Europe, drawing on a cross-case analysis of 60 building case studies.