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Participatory technology design for autism and cognitive disabilities: a narrative overview of issues and techniques. (2019)
Book Chapter

Abstract. Participatory design (PD) refers to the involvement of users in the design and development process. Those who may be identified as eventual users of such technology are often involved in the development process as testers or as informants.... Read More about Participatory technology design for autism and cognitive disabilities: a narrative overview of issues and techniques..

The Ethics of Open Types (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

A characteristic of the 21st century for some societies is the establishment of better healthcare systems, a reduction in infant mortality, and a growing number of adults living longer. However, these accomplishments can have a downside. For example,... Read More about The Ethics of Open Types.

Innovation, institutions and development: A critical review and grounded heterodox economic analysis of late-industrialising contexts (2019)
Journal Article

This paper critically reviews dominant approaches to the economics of innovation in contemporary developing societies, namely new institutional economics (NIE) and National Innovation Systems (NIS). Both traditions explain capitalist development in l... Read More about Innovation, institutions and development: A critical review and grounded heterodox economic analysis of late-industrialising contexts.

From DotA to MOBA: The emergence and crisis of playful co-creativity in multiplayer online battle arena games (2019)

The Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) genre represents one of the most popular, dynamic and influential spaces of digital play. Since the genres first commercial release in 2009 with the title League of Legends (2009 – present, Riot Games), MOBA... Read More about From DotA to MOBA: The emergence and crisis of playful co-creativity in multiplayer online battle arena games.

How do people experience challenges at work? Using IPA to investigate Lifespan Development principles in the workplace (2019)

Summary: This study aimed to broaden the use of qualitative methods within lifespan development research while emphasizing the link with Counselling Psychology. It aimed to explore the question ‘how do people experience challenges at work?’ Semi-stru... Read More about How do people experience challenges at work? Using IPA to investigate Lifespan Development principles in the workplace.

The texture of entrepreneurship programs: Revisiting experiential entrepreneurship education through the lens of the liminal–liminoid continuum (2019)
Journal Article

Positioning the liminal and the liminoid on a continuum, we define a “space” within which practice-led, experiential learning occurs. The more liminal processes within this space are associated with familiarity, wide social recognition, and relative... Read More about The texture of entrepreneurship programs: Revisiting experiential entrepreneurship education through the lens of the liminal–liminoid continuum.

Physical human-robot collaboration: Robotic systems, learning methods, collaborative strategies, sensors, and actuators (2019)
Journal Article

This article presents a state-of-the-art survey on the robotic systems, sensors, actuators, and collaborative strategies for physical human-robot collaboration (pHRC). This article starts with an overview of some robotic systems with cutting-edge tec... Read More about Physical human-robot collaboration: Robotic systems, learning methods, collaborative strategies, sensors, and actuators.

Built environment education across boundaries. The case of energy retrofit as a tool for low carbon transition (2019)
Journal Article

Since the 1990s, several studies have focused on the concept of Transformative Pedagogy as a strategy to foster inter-disciplinary abilities to rise to the challenge of sustainable development. Although the impact of these transformative pedagogies i... Read More about Built environment education across boundaries. The case of energy retrofit as a tool for low carbon transition.