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Counter-terrorism measures in the classroom: Exploring the perceptions and experiences of education professionals enacting the Prevent Duty in Bath and Bristol (2021)

While most education professionals report their straightforward enactment of Prevent, a critical multilevel analysis of 17 interviews with education professionals in the Bath and Bristol areas of the UK data demonstrates however, that the policy is w... Read More about Counter-terrorism measures in the classroom: Exploring the perceptions and experiences of education professionals enacting the Prevent Duty in Bath and Bristol.

Marker development for the traceability of certified sustainably produced cacao (Theobroma cacao) in the chocolate industry (2021)

Theobroma cacao (cocoa) is one of the most studied commodities around the world and the source of one of the world’s most consumed and familiar products, chocolate. The multibillion-pound industry has changed to a higher demand for sustainably certif... Read More about Marker development for the traceability of certified sustainably produced cacao (Theobroma cacao) in the chocolate industry.

The role of earnings and its components in predicting future cash flows: Evidence from the MENA region firms (2021)

This thesis aims to examine the role of current earnings and its components - cash flows and accruals- in predicting the one-year-ahead cash flows from operations (CFO) in the MENA region country firms for the sample period 2005 to 2018. In order to... Read More about The role of earnings and its components in predicting future cash flows: Evidence from the MENA region firms.

Exploration of the possible role of microRNA(s) and small extracellular vesicles in chemotherapy-induced bystander effects (2021)

Advances in modern chemotherapeutic regimens have led to an increase in the overall survival of leukaemia patients in recent years. However, haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) remains the curative option for these patients. In HSCT, high... Read More about Exploration of the possible role of microRNA(s) and small extracellular vesicles in chemotherapy-induced bystander effects.

Exploring men’s experiences of their female partner’s sexual pain: A qualitative thematic analysis study (2021)

Female sexual pain occurs within a relational context, yet little is known about partners’ experiences This study adds to the very small literature exploring men’s experience of sexual pain within a different-sex relationship. I aimed to give v... Read More about Exploring men’s experiences of their female partner’s sexual pain: A qualitative thematic analysis study.

‘In my own comfort zone’: Client experiences of relational aspects of Skype therapy for alcohol problems (2021)

Background: therapists and counsellors are increasingly using Skype or equivalent video-based applications to offer treatment in place of face-to-face delivery of talking therapies. In the alcohol treatment sector, this offers a range of potential be... Read More about ‘In my own comfort zone’: Client experiences of relational aspects of Skype therapy for alcohol problems.

Financial intelligence units and the prevention of money laundering: A comparative analysis of financial intelligence units in the United Kingdom, Singapore and Thailand (2021)

This thesis examines the implementation of the international Anti-Money Laundering (AML) standards regarding the role of Financial Intelligence Units (FIU) under the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Recommendations. The main research questions focu... Read More about Financial intelligence units and the prevention of money laundering: A comparative analysis of financial intelligence units in the United Kingdom, Singapore and Thailand.

A critical analysis of the impact of inter-generational differences on the attitudes to lifestyle behavioural change among South Asian population in the UK (2021)

Evidence reports that people from a South Asian background experience a higher prevalence of chronic lifestyle diseases, such as diabetes, obesity and heart disease, with correspondingly higher risk of morbidity and mortality. People who... Read More about A critical analysis of the impact of inter-generational differences on the attitudes to lifestyle behavioural change among South Asian population in the UK.

Facilitating the design of data-informed andragogic tools to promote hypercognition for UK access to higher education learners (2021)

Access to Higher Education courses in the UK serve the purpose of providing a route to Higher Education level study for those without the requisite qualifications to do so. However, students on these courses tend to be disproportionately from groups... Read More about Facilitating the design of data-informed andragogic tools to promote hypercognition for UK access to higher education learners.

“What makes a house a home?”: A theoretical model for the architectural design of homes based on human psychological needs to support and promote users’ psychological well-being (2021)

The current PhD thesis investigates the relationship between the Architectural design of homes and inhabitants’ psychological well-being. Psychological wellbeing is understood to be achieved by addressing human psychological needs. In fact, while the... Read More about “What makes a house a home?”: A theoretical model for the architectural design of homes based on human psychological needs to support and promote users’ psychological well-being.