La gestión gubernamental después del COVID-19
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All Outputs (50)
Challenges associated with monitoring urban trees and the benefits of collecting baseline data at planting (2021)
Newspaper / Magazine
This article explains how monitoring urban trees is essential to learning how urban forests and tree planting initiatives change over time and how to optimise their benefits we must initiate data collection at planting.
Class matters if we want to tackle climate change (2021)
Newspaper / Magazine
Why Earth Day is a class issue (2021)
Newspaper / Magazine
Germany shows how strengthening local power is key to recovery (2021)
Newspaper / Magazine
Freiburg, a small, innovative city in southern Germany, provides insights on how to improve civic leadership and city planning in the UK. Proposals for Dietenbach, a new eco-friendly neighbourhood designed to house 15,000 people are outlined. Three... Read More about Germany shows how strengthening local power is key to recovery.
La 'economía gig' y su impacto en el mundo del trabajo (2021)
Newspaper / Magazine
Post-war UK transport policy and the Mini Cooper S (2021)
Newspaper / Magazine
The strange story of Minister of Transport Ernest Marples, Chairman of British Railways Board Dr Richard Beeching, the Mini Cooper S and the decimation of Britain's passenger carrying railways from 1963
¿Hacia dónde se mueve el péndulo? El caso de México en perspectiva histórica (2020)
Newspaper / Magazine
A matter of evidence (2020)
Newspaper / Magazine
Finn Mackay on gender ideology (2020)
Newspaper / Magazine
People with delusions understand metaphor differently - here’s how it could help explain schizophrenia (2020)
Newspaper / Magazine
Here be 'cognitivism' (2019)
Newspaper / Magazine
Addressing inequality is key if we want to tackle climate crisis (2019)
Newspaper / Magazine
A working-class green movement is out there but not getting the credit it deserves (2019)
Newspaper / Magazine
Environmental protests are now frequently reported in the media, and the green movement is, at last, getting the attention it deserves. But most of the focus is on the activities of groups, such as Extinction Rebellion, which are not strongly rooted... Read More about A working-class green movement is out there but not getting the credit it deserves.
Interview with La Nacion (2019)
Newspaper / Magazine
Interview with La Nacion, an Argentine Daily Newspaper.
Being working class in the academy (2018)
Newspaper / Magazine
While widening access is high on universities’ agendas at undergraduate level, class barriers still prevail in the academy. Here, five working-class scholars describe their experiences of ‘otherness’
'We are women, we are strong': Celebrating the unsung heroines of the miners' strike (2018)
Newspaper / Magazine
Public interest's role in online piracy battle (2018)
Newspaper / Magazine
This article discusses the status of causal liability for copyright infringement by authorisation in the digital environment, and focuses on the public interest in intellectual property rights. It deals specifically with online platform operators and... Read More about Public interest's role in online piracy battle.
Beyond-borders (2017)
Newspaper / Magazine
Alastair Nightingale, Simon Goodman and Sam Parker seek more prominence for psychological perspectives on the refugee crisis in Europe.