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All Outputs (472)

Assessing the construct validity of the Therapy Outcome Measure for pre-school children with delayed speech and language (2004)
Journal Article

Abstract This paper explores the construct validity of a measure of clinical outcomes, the Therapy Outcomes Measures (TOM). The work took place within a randomized controlled trial of pre-school children with speech and language difficulties in commu... Read More about Assessing the construct validity of the Therapy Outcome Measure for pre-school children with delayed speech and language.

Corporations and commemoration: First world war remembrance, Lloyds TSB and the national memorial arboretum (2004)
Journal Article

This paper explores the role of corporations and financial organisations in maintaining a memory of employees who have served during the wars of the 20th century. Focusing initially on memorial schemes devised by finance houses in the commemorative e... Read More about Corporations and commemoration: First world war remembrance, Lloyds TSB and the national memorial arboretum.

The role of satellite image-processing for national-scale estimates of gene flow from genetically modified crops: Rapeseed in the UK as a model (2004)
Journal Article

1. There is concern over the possibility of unwanted environmental change following transgene movement from genetically modified (GM) rapeseed Brassica napus to its wild and weedy relatives. 2. The aim of this research was to develop a remote sensing... Read More about The role of satellite image-processing for national-scale estimates of gene flow from genetically modified crops: Rapeseed in the UK as a model.

Professional education as co-inquiry: An evaluation of the learning approach to developing the role of Connexions Personal Adviser (2004)
Journal Article

This paper presents an example of using evaluation as a tool for encouraging democratic participation in the development of professional learning and course delivery. The new professional role of Connexions Personal Adviser (CPA) is being clarified a... Read More about Professional education as co-inquiry: An evaluation of the learning approach to developing the role of Connexions Personal Adviser.

The Living Tomorrow Project: How Philip Morris has used a Belgian tourist attraction to promote ventilation approaches to the control of second hand smoke (2004)
Journal Article

Study objective: To examine the involvement of Philip Morris in Living Tomorrow 2 and determine the rationale behind its involvement.

Design: Research was conducted through a web based search of internal tobacco industry documents made publicly a... Read More about The Living Tomorrow Project: How Philip Morris has used a Belgian tourist attraction to promote ventilation approaches to the control of second hand smoke.