An investigation of the learning effect of healthy subjects during knee joint position sense (JPS) assessment using a motorised device
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All Outputs (37)
Aromatherapy massage improves quality of life for chronic pain patients (2005)
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The effects of a topical anaesthetic (EMLA) on noxious thermal discrmination: A psychophysical study (2005)
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The influence of stimulus presentation frequency on noxious thermal discrimination: A methodological study (2005)
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Comparison of context-coding noise within discrimination and intensity rating methods in the study of pain perception (2004)
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Effects of taping on pain and function in patellofemoral pain syndrome: A double blind randomised controlled trial (2003)
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Effects of electrical stimulation on a measure of A-beta fibre sensitivity (2002)
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Interferential current: A comparison with TENS (2002)
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The effects of relaxation on thermal pain thresholds (2002)
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Interferential current (IC) and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS): Are they the same or different? (2001)
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Test-retest reliability of A-beta fibre vibration thresholds (2001)
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Short-term changes in thermal sensation thresholds (2001)
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Interferential current and TENS. A randomised controlled trial of the effects on thermal thresholds (2000)
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The effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on thermal sensation and thermal pain thresholds (2000)
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Quantitative somatosensory thermotest: Investigation of the relationship between rate of temperature change and thermal thresholds using a method of limits (1999)
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Rate of temperature change, but not skin fold thickness affects thermal threshold values with a method of limits (1999)
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The effects of interferential current on thermal sensation and thermal pain in healthy female volunteers (1999)
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