Book Review of Empire of Brutality
Journal Article
All Outputs (3)
Veganism as anti-anthropocentrism: The potential of vegan advocacy discourse (2024)
Journal Article
Proceeding from an identification of anthropocentrism as the ideological bedrock of interconnected human to nonhuman animal and intra-human oppressions, and the central role played by discourse in transmitting and normalising anthropocentrism and its... Read More about Veganism as anti-anthropocentrism: The potential of vegan advocacy discourse.
Veganism’s anti-anthropocentric capacity: A critical analysis of the advocacy discourse of three prominent vegan organisations (2023)
Journal Article
Anthropocentrism has been identified as a root cause of nonhuman animal and intrahuman oppressions and the environmental crisis. Veganism has been celebrated as a philosophy and practice capable of undermining anthropocentrism, yet the anti-anthropoc... Read More about Veganism’s anti-anthropocentric capacity: A critical analysis of the advocacy discourse of three prominent vegan organisations.