Objectives The Steroid PRO is a treatment-specific patient-reported outcome questionnaire which measures the impact of glucocorticoids on health-related quality of life. It has 15 items grouped into 4 domains (Social impact, Impact on Appearance, Psy... Read More about Impact of glucocorticoids on patients’ quality of life: A qualitative study assessing face validity and feasibility of the Steroid PRO in patients with inflammatory gastroenterology, respiratory and dermatology conditions.
All Outputs (2)
Qualitative interview study of rheumatology patients’ experiences of COVID-19 shielding to explore the physical and psychological impact and identify associated support needs (2024)
Journal Article
Objective: Many clinically extremely vulnerable rheumatology patients have only recently ceased shielding from COVID-19, while some continue to minimise in-person contact. The objective of this study was to understand the impact of shielding and asso... Read More about Qualitative interview study of rheumatology patients’ experiences of COVID-19 shielding to explore the physical and psychological impact and identify associated support needs.