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All Outputs (8)

Health care professionals’ views regarding chronic post cancer treatment pain in cancer survivors: understanding, experience and confidence (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Chronic post-cancer treatment pain (CPCTP) is pain caused by cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery (1). The prevalence of CPCTP affects many cancer ranges from 24 to 48% of people who have finished cancer t... Read More about Health care professionals’ views regarding chronic post cancer treatment pain in cancer survivors: understanding, experience and confidence.

Virtual reality-induced sensorimotor conflict evokes limb-specific sensory disturbances in complex regional pain syndrome (2021)
Journal Article

The origin of sensory disturbances in complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) remains unclear. It has been hypothesized that such disturbances are due to attentional effects and/or sensorimotor integration deficits. If sensory disturbances are explaine... Read More about Virtual reality-induced sensorimotor conflict evokes limb-specific sensory disturbances in complex regional pain syndrome.

‘We tend to get pad happy’: A qualitative study of health practitioners’ perspectives on the quality of continence care for older people in hospital (2021)
Journal Article

Bladder and bowel control difficulties affect 20% and 10% of the UK population, respectively, touch all age groups and are particularly prevalent in the older (65+ years) population. However, the quality of continence care is often poor, compromising... Read More about ‘We tend to get pad happy’: A qualitative study of health practitioners’ perspectives on the quality of continence care for older people in hospital.

Florence Nightingale's legacy for clinical academics: A framework analysis of a clinical professorial network and a model for clinical academia (2021)
Journal Article

Background: Clinical academic nursing roles are rare, and clinical academic leadership positions even more scarce. Amongst the United Kingdom (UK) academia, only 3% of nurses who are employed within universities are clinically active. Furthermore, ac... Read More about Florence Nightingale's legacy for clinical academics: A framework analysis of a clinical professorial network and a model for clinical academia.

Visual illusions modulate body perception disturbance and pain in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: A randomized trial (2021)
Journal Article

Background: Effective treatment of longstanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a challenge, as causal mechanisms remain elusive. People with CRPS frequently report distorted subjective perceptions of their affected limb. Evidence of pain re... Read More about Visual illusions modulate body perception disturbance and pain in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: A randomized trial.