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All Outputs (7)

The nature of Trauma Informed Care in the treatment of men convicted of a sexual offence with trauma history (2025)
Journal Article

Individuals who have committed sexual offences are more likely to have experienced trauma or childhood adversity than the general population (Kahn et al., 2020; McMackin et al., 2008). Further, individuals who were convicted of a sexual offence perce... Read More about The nature of Trauma Informed Care in the treatment of men convicted of a sexual offence with trauma history.

Across landscapes and lifespan: causes and solutions of gender-based violence from survivors of sexual violence against women and girls (VAWG) (2024)
Journal Article

Violence Against Women and Girls in public spaces has become a focus for violence prevention policy since the murder of Sarah Everard but is this how survivors experience VAWG? This study listened to survivors as part of Safer Spaces funded research.... Read More about Across landscapes and lifespan: causes and solutions of gender-based violence from survivors of sexual violence against women and girls (VAWG).

A comparative study of prior learning for serving police officers in Canada and England and Wales, UK: Bridging the academic gap (2021)
Journal Article

The professionalisation of the police in Canada, and England and Wales has highlighted a gap in the education levels of new recruits and current serving police officers, motivating many of these officers
to complete a university degree. The prior ex... Read More about A comparative study of prior learning for serving police officers in Canada and England and Wales, UK: Bridging the academic gap.