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Change in appearance of textures with randomisation of Fourier phase

Emrith, Khemraj; Green, P. R.; Chantler, M. J.


Dr Khemraj Emrith
Associate Head of Departmemt Business Engagement and Partnerships

P. R. Green

M. J. Chantler


It is known that humans can discriminate visual textures on the basis of differences in statistics higher than the second order. However, these results have been obtained using artificial textures made up of geometric elements, and the effects of manipulating higher order statistics in textures with a more natural appearance have not been examined quantitatively. We therefore investigate the effect of gradual phase randomisation on the ability of observers to discriminate synthetic textures with a naturalistic appearance. We keep the first and second order statistics of textures constant as phase is randomised, so that any perceived changes are due only to changes in third and higher order statistics. A difference scaling method is used to derive perceptual scales for each observer, and this shows a monotonic effect of the degree of randomisation on appearance. The greatest change is perceived between 20% and 60% randomisation, with little change in appearance above and below this range. We propose a biologically plausible model based on a local measurement derived using phase congruence information to account for the observed effects of phase randomisation on discrimination of texture pairs. We show that the same behaviour can be achieved in both perceptual and feature spaces, which can be related by a linear relationship within a log-log space.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Aug 24, 2009
Journal Perception
Print ISSN 0301-0066
Electronic ISSN 1468-4233
Publisher SAGE Publications
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 38
Pages 64
Series Title Perception
Series Number (Suppl
Keywords difference scaling, texture perception, phase randomisation
Public URL
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Additional Information Additional Information : ECVP Abstract Supplement. Presented as a talk at ECVP 2009 in Regensburg