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Unique reproduction: definitions of original printmaking in a digital age

Hoskins, Stephen

Unique reproduction: definitions of original printmaking in a digital age Thumbnail



The development of inkjet printers with light fast inks has made reproducing artists' images more ‘democratic’ – no advanced technical skill is required to transfer ink onto paper. These reproductions can be marketed as limited edition prints and in the process garner kudos through association with the established traditions of fine-art printmaking. This seems to get some printmakers hot under the collar. This event will explore issues around editioning and reproducing multiples from the perspective of the artist, editioning studio and collector. What are the inherent qualities of the processes used in traditional printmaking that make it a meaningful activity? Why engage in traditional printmaking, it can't be about reproduction - so what is it about? Are the inherent limitations of materials used and their influence in creating the image important? Should there be an international quality standard and agreed definition of what constitutes an editioned original?

Contributors: Keynote Speaker - Marjorie Devon, Director of the Tamarind Institute, New Mexico; Invited Speaker - Kelly Troester, Worldwide Co-Director of Modern and Contemporary Editions, Phillips de Pury NYC. Joining these two speakers for a round-table discussion will be: Stephen Hoskins, Hewlett Packard Professor of Fine Print and Director of the Centre for Fine Print Research at the University of the West of England; John McKechnie, Director of Glasgow Print Studio; Jenny Roland, Managing Director of the Curwen Studio.

The discussion will be chaired by Robert Peters, Director of Seacourt Print Workshop. Symposium organised in partnership with the Ulster Festival of Art and Design. Lottery Funded through the Arts Council of Northern Ireland and supported through funding from North Down Borough Council.

A transcript of the roundtable discussion between Steve Hoskins, Kelly Troester, Jenny Roland, Robert Peters, Marjorie Devon and John Mackechnie appears pages 26-32 of this publication.

Presentation Conference Type Other
Conference Name Seacourt Print Workshop 2010 Symposium
Start Date Jun 17, 2010
End Date Jun 17, 2010
Publicly Available Date Jun 8, 2019
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Pages 24
Keywords inkjet printers, light fast inks, limited edition prints, multiples
Public URL
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