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Medicine dosing by weight in the home: Can parents accurately weigh preschool children? A method comparison study

Montgomery, Alan A.; Redmond, Niamh M.; Peters, Tim J.; Hay, Alastair D.; Costelloe, C�ire; Fletcher, Margaret; Hollinghurst, Sandra

Medicine dosing by weight in the home: Can parents accurately weigh preschool children? A method comparison study Thumbnail


Alan A. Montgomery

Niamh M. Redmond

Tim J. Peters

Alastair D. Hay

C�ire Costelloe

Margaret Fletcher

Sandra Hollinghurst


Objective: To determine the accuracy with which parents can estimate preschool children's weight using home scales in order to calculate antipyretic dose. Design: Cross-sectional, method comparison study. Setting and participants: 156 preschool children aged 6 months to 6 years recruited from primary care and the community to an antipyretic strategies trial and managed at home. Comparison and outcome measures: Research nurse weight estimate using Seca 835-2 digital paediatric scales compared with parental weight estimate using usual home scales. Results: Parents of 62 (40%) preschool children had home scales. Research scale estimated weights were heavier than home scale weight estimates, with a mean difference of 0.41 kg (95% CI -0.24 to 0.74 kg), with 95% limits of agreement of -2.44 to 1.47 kg. Conclusion: Weight can be estimated accurately enough to calculate antipyretic medicine doses by the minority of parents having scales that can be used to estimate their child's weight.

Journal Article Type Review
Publication Date Dec 1, 2011
Deposit Date Sep 6, 2011
Publicly Available Date Dec 2, 2016
Journal Archives of Disease in Childhood
Print ISSN 0003-9888
Electronic ISSN 1468-2044
Publisher BMJ Publishing Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 96
Issue 12
Pages 1187-1190
Keywords medicine dosing by weight, home, preschool children
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Additional Information : Available online before print: 10/08/11
Contract Date Dec 2, 2016


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