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Evolving cell array configurations using CGP

Bremner, Paul; Samie, Mohammad; Dragffy, Gabriel; Pipe, Anthony G.; Liu, Yang


Paul Bremner
Associate Professor in Human Robotics Interactions

Mohammad Samie

Gabriel Dragffy

Yang Liu


Sara Silva

James Foster

Miguel Nicolau

Penousal Machado

Mario Giacobini


A cell array is a proposed type of custom FPGA, where digital circuits can be formed from interconnected configurable cells. In this paper we have presented a means by which CGP might be adapted to evolve configurations of a proposed cell array. As part of doing so, we have suggested an additional genetic operator that exploits modularity by copying sections of the genome within a solution, and investigated its efficacy. Additionally, we have investigated applying selection pressure for parsimony during functional evolution, rather than in a subsequent stage as proposed in other work. Our results show that solutions to benchmark problems can be evolved with a good degree of efficiency, and that compact solutions can be found with no significant impact on the required number of circuit evaluations. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Publication Date May 13, 2011
Journal Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Print ISSN 0302-9743
Publisher Springer Verlag
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 6621 LNCS
Pages 73-84
Series Title Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Series Number 6621
Keywords programming techniques, computation by abstract devices, algorithm analysis and problem complexity, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, robotics, computational biology, bioinformatics, cell array configurations, CGP
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