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‘That boy needs therapy’: Constructions of psychotherapy in popular song lyrics

Hadjiosif, Miltos

‘That boy needs therapy’: Constructions of psychotherapy in popular song lyrics Thumbnail


Miltos Hadjiosif
Senior Lecturer in Counselling Psychology


This paper discusses constructions of psychotherapy in the lyrics of popular songs and identifies relevant discourses that are invoked or crafted. Despite a plethora of academic and clinical descriptions of psychotherapy, less research attention has been focused on the ways in which psychotherapy is talked about and represented in popular culture. Discussing the status of psychotherapy in this domain is hampered by a proliferation of psy- modalities, approaches, and epistemologies that have given rise to multiple and conflicting versions of ‘psychotherapy’. A critical discourse analysis was applied to 24 songs and yielded three discursive objects: ‘Banal therapy’, the ‘Non-therapeutic relationship’ and ‘I know therefore I can’. I will discuss findings in relation to positioning and the voice of therapist, client, observer/listener, as well as anti-therapist. Additionally, I will examine some tensions that arise from a largely derogatory and irreverent representation of psychotherapeutic practice. In conclusion, I will invite discussion on the implications of this research: does it matter that a few pop songs portray psychotherapy in this light, and if so, to whom does it matter the most?

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name Annual Conference of the Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society
Start Date Oct 20, 2017
End Date Oct 21, 2017
Deposit Date Jun 29, 2022
Publicly Available Date Jun 29, 2022
Keywords therapy; psychotherapy; Constructions of psychotherapy; popular song lyrics; song; discourse analysis; social contructionism; popular music; mental health
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