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Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) support for first year nursing students during first practice placement

Menon, Sabita; Malliris, Efthimios


Sabita Menon

Efthimios Malliris


Practice placements are a principal component of the undergraduate nursing programme and are based in a variety of settings within hospitals and the community. New student
nurses experience high levels of anxiety in their placement for a variety of reasons including unfamiliarity with the ward environment and nursing procedures, fear of medical staff and worries about making error (Andrews, 2006).

The present study investigates the perceived impact of Peer Assisted Learning support on first year student experiences during their first eight week nursing practice placement. A group of first year student nurses were supported in their first placement by third year students doing their fifth placement.

Feedback will be collected from the first year students by questionnaires and focus group interviews. Data will be compared against feedback collected from first year students who were not offered such support. Anecdotal evidence suggests that aspects of Peer Assisted Learning including mutual support, companionship, and teamwork skills are found to be beneficial by students, while lack of time and space and a lack of understanding of the new curriculum by PAL
leaders (owing to a new curriculum for year 1 students) are considered some of the disadvantages.

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name The 6th European First Year Experience Conference
Start Date May 1, 2011
End Date May 1, 2011
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Keywords peer assisted learning, clinical placement
Public URL
Additional Information Title of Conference or Conference Proceedings : Rethinking the First Year Experiences

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