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Characterisation and sediment-source linkages of intertidal sediment of the UK's north Sefton Coast using magnetic and textural properties: Findings and limitations

Holden, Vanessa J.C.; Worsley, Annie T.; Booth, Colin; Lymbery, Graham


Vanessa J.C. Holden

Annie T. Worsley

Profile image of Colin Booth

Colin Booth
Professor of Smart and Sustainable Infrastructures

Graham Lymbery


Sediment pathways and links to offshore processes are considered in the textural and magnetic characteristics of sediments of the intertidal flats and salt marshes of the north Sefton Coast, UK. In addition, sediment from a range of intertidal, marine and fluvial locations within the northwest region has similarly been characterised. Subsequently, the characteristics of these regional sediments, using a multivariate statistical approach of R- and Q-mode factor analyses, have been used to investigate the sediment transport pathways of the north Sefton Coast sediment. The benefits of fractionating sediment samples have been observed, and by using combinations of textural and isothermal remanent magnetic measurements, specific environments within the research have been successfully differentiated and characterised. Linkages between potential sediment source areas have also been established on a particle size-related basis. © Springer-Verlag 2011.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Dec 1, 2011
Journal Ocean Dynamics
Print ISSN 1616-7341
Electronic ISSN 1616-7228
Publisher Springer Verlag
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 61
Issue 12
Pages 2157-2179
Keywords provenance, magnetic properties, particle size, multivariate analysis, North Sefton coast
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