David Ludlow David.Ludlow@uwe.ac.uk
Professor in European Smart Cities
Integrated urban management: “Win-win” solutions
Ludlow, David; Khan, Zaheer
Zaheer Khan Zaheer2.Khan@uwe.ac.uk
Professor in Computer Science
Analysis of urban challenges, from a sustainable development perspective, emphasise the interconnected nature of the challenges, reflecting the ecosystems perspective on the city. Key political concerns with climate change greenhouse gas emissions, energy security and efficiency, social exclusion and biodiversity loss etc are all fundamentally related in the land-use - transport -
environment nexus. Major “win-win” policy co-benefits can be secured that permit reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, while enhancing human health and maintaining the economic viability of the city, but only provided the inherent complexity of the common drivers of change at the urban level can be effectively understood and managed. A key barrier to more effective urban planning at all scales of governance is the fragmentation of the information and intelligence essential to support integrated policy definitions and policy implementation. Improved integrated intelligence offers a major opportunity to address and overcome these deficiencies in policy responses. This paper will provide a review and assessment of innovative research undertaken by the authors and pan-European partners in the Humboldt research project funded by EU (FP 6 integrated project). The paper will outline the ways in which the Humboldt urban Atlas scenario, based on a case study in Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain), addresses cross thematic information harmonisation challenges providing the key to unlock the prime concerns of the policy end user to secure integrated intelligence, critical to effective decision-making and policy integration. The emphasis in the paper will be upon the opportunities arising for the policy end user as a consequence of this research in respect of the future evolution of integrated urban management in Europe, with reference to a wide range of associated research and development activity in this field. This research has direct relevance to the conference themes including: climate change; sustainable development; mobility and transport; participation and governance.
Presentation Conference Type | Other |
Conference Name | 2011 UK / Ireland Planning Research Conference: Planning Resilient Communities in Challenging Times, |
Start Date | Sep 12, 2011 |
End Date | Sep 14, 2011 |
Publication Date | Sep 1, 2011 |
Peer Reviewed | Not Peer Reviewed |
Keywords | integrated urban management |
Public URL | https://uwe-repository.worktribe.com/output/959817 |
Publisher URL | http://www.bcu.ac.uk/research/-centres-of-excellence/centre-for-environment-and-society/events/uk-ireland-planning-conference |
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